Papers by Ivan Matić


1. The unitary dual of $p$-adic SO(5), Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Vol. 138,  No. 2 (2010), pp. 759–767  pdf

2.  Composition series of the induced representations of SO(5) using intertwining operators, Glasnik Matematički, Vol. 45, No. 1 (2010), pp. 93-107  pdf

3. Levi subgroups of $p$-adic Spin(2n+1), Mathematical Communications, Vol. 14, No. 2 (2009), pp. 223-233  pdf

4.   (with Marcela Hanzer)    The unitary dual of $p$-adic $\widetilde{Sp(2)}$,  Pacific Journal of Mathematics,  Vol. 248 (2010), No. 1, pp. 107–137   pdf

5.   (with Marcela Hanzer)   Irreducibility of the unitary principal series of $p$-adic $\widetilde{Sp(n)}$, Manuscripta Mathematica 132 (2010), pp. 539-547  pdf 

6.  Strongly positive representations of metaplectic groups, Journal of Algebra, 334 (2011), pp. 255-274,  doi: 10.1016/j.algebra.2011.02.015   pdf

7.   Jacquet modules of strongly positive representations of the metaplectic group $\widetilde{Sp(n)}$,  Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 365 (2013), pp. 2755-2778   pdf

8.  Theta lifts of strongly positive discrete series: the case of ($\widetilde{Sp(n)}$, O(V)), Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 259-2 (2012), pp. 445-471, doi: 10.2140/pjm.2012.259.445   pdf

9. The conservation relation for discrete series representations of metaplectic groups, International Mathematics Research Notices, 22(2013),  pp. 5227-5269, doi: 10.1093/imrn/rns209  pdf

10. (with Franka M. Brueckler)  The power and the limits of the abacus,  Mathematica Pannonica, Vol. 22, No. 1 (2011), pp. 25 - 48  pdf

11. Discrete series of metaplectic groups having generic theta lifts, Journal of the Ramanujan Mathematical Society, Vol. 29, No. 2 (2014), pp. 201-219  pdf

12. On discrete series subrepresentations of generalized principal series, preprint  pdf

13. Strongly positive representations in an exceptional rank-one reducibility case: an appendix to Y. Kim: Strongly positive representations of GSpin(2n+1) and the Jacquet module method, to appear in Mathematische Zeitschrift   pdf

14. On Jacquet modules of discrete series: the first inductive step, preprint    pdf

15. (with M. Tadić)  Jacquet modules of representations of segment type, to appear in Manuscripta Mathematica   pdf

16. Strongly positive subquotients in a class of induced representations of classical $p$-adic groups, preprint   pdf


Conference proceedings:

   1.   (with Lj. Jukić Matić)  Educating future mathematics teachers: Repeating mathematics from primary and secondary school, Proceedings of Mathematics and children, 3rd International Scientific Colloquium, Osijek, Croatia, 27-34   pdf

   2.   (with Lj. Jukić Matić and A. Katalenić)  Approaches to learning mathematics in engineering study program, Proceedings of Mathematics and children, 4rd International Scientific Colloquium, Osijek, Croatia,  186 - 195    pdf

Other papers:

  1. Modalna logika i Fittingova nomenklatura, Poučak, br.36.,  2008     pdf
  2. (with Lj. Jukić Matić) Role of the competitions in the curricula of teaching computer science, Croatian Journal of Education, 13(3), 2011, 201-231  doc
  3. (with S. Bingulac)  Kineski teorem o ostatcima za polinome, Osječki matematički list, Vol. 12(2012), br. 2, 105 - 126  pdf
  4. Numerička ograničenja kineskog abakusa (with D. Ševerdija and S. Škorvaga), Osječki matematički list, Vol. 9 (2009), br 2.,  75 - 92    pdf 
    ABSTRACT:  We present some aspects of numerical constraints using chinese abacus in standard arithmetic operations with  natural numbers

  1. Grčko - kineski stil u teoriji brojeva (with D. Ševerdija), Osječki matematički list, Vol. 10 (2010), br. 1., 43 - 58   pdf
    ABSTRACT:  We show how to implement application of Euclid algorithm on chinese abacus and also consider numerical constraints in applying procedure.
  2. Put djeda mraza (with Lj. Jukić Matić), Osječki matematički list, Vol. 12(2012), br. 2, 101 - 105
  3. Ljetovanje obitelji Medić (with Lj. Jukić Matić), Osječki matematički list, Vol. 13(2013), br. 1, 84 - 90
  4. Gozba obitelji Medić (with Lj. Jukić Matić), Osječki matematički list, Vol. 13(2013), br. 2, 191 - 194
  5. Obitelj Medić i priprema za državnu maturu (with Lj. Jukić Matić), to appear in Osječki matematički list   pdf
  6. Plimpton 322 (with M. Libl), Matematika i škola , 73 (2014), 114 - 118  pdf
  7. Geometrija i Sherlock Holmes (with Lj. Jukić Matić and M. Pavlović), to appear in Matematika i škola    pdf
  8. Metodički aspekti abakusa I (with D. Ševerdija),  Matematika i Škola, 52 (2009), 57 - 62   pdf
  9. Metodički aspekti abakusa II (with D. Ševerdija), Matematika i Škola, 53 (2010), 106 - 111   pdf
    ABSTRACT: In this two papers we present some didactical aspects of using chinese abacus in curriculum for elementary schools. We give some taughts on psychological and social aspects of abaci in everyday appliance.