Projects (Projekti)

Leader of the following projects founded by Croatian Ministry of Science:

Statistical aspects of estimation problem in nonlinear parametric models
Statistical aspects of parameter identification problems (2001-2006)
Poticajni projekt za mlade znanstvenike "Statistički aspekti problema identifikacije parametara" (1998-2000)

Participation (as a researcher or consultant) in work of the following projects:

Posttraumatski stresni poremećaj djece ratnh veterana: kauzalni model
leader: Ž. Vukšić-Mihaljević (founded by MZOS, 2001-2006)
Parameter identification problem in mathematical models
leader: R. Scitovski (founded by MZOS, 1996-2000)
Teorijske i institucionalne pretpostavke poduzetničke ekonomije
leader: S. Singer (1991.-1996.)
Theory of probability and mathematical statistics
leader: N. Sarapa (1991-1996)
Zakon vrijednosti u funkciji upravljanja razvojem
leader: S. Singer (1986-1990)