Generalized Vieta-Jacobsthal and Vieta-Jacobsthal-Lucas polynomials

Nazmiye Feyza Yalçın, Dursun Taşcı, Esra Erkuş-Duman


In this paper generalized Vieta-Jacobsthal and Vieta-Jacobsthal-Lucas polynomials are introduced. The Binet form and some of their recursive features are given. Various families of multilinear and multilateral generating functions for these polynomials are derived. Furthermore, some special cases of the results are presented in this study.


Generalized Vieta-Jacobsthal, generalized Vieta-Jacobsthal- Lucas polynomials, Vieta polynomials, multilinear and multilateral generating functions

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ISSN: 1331-0623 (Print), 1848-8013 (Online)