A priori estimates for finite-energy sequences of one-dimensional Cahn-Hilliard functional with non-standard multi-well potential

Andrija Raguž


In this paper we provide some results pertaining to asymptotic behaviour as $\varepsilon\str 0$ of the finite-energy  sequences of the one-dimensional  Cahn-Hilliard functional  
where $u\in {\rm H}^{1}\oi{0}{1}$ and where $W$ is a multi-well potential endowed with a non-standard integrability condition. We introduce a new class of finite-energy sequences, we recover its underlying geometric properties  as $\vrepsilon\str 0$, and obtain the related a priori estimates.


asymptotic analysis; singular perturbation; Young measures; Cahn-Hiliard functional; regularity

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ISSN: 1331-0623 (Print), 1848-8013 (Online)