Scientific papers in journals:

  1. Ljerka Jukić Matić: Non-existence of certain Diophantine quadruples in rings of integers of pure cubic fields. Proceedings of the Japan Academy. Series A Mathematical sciences. 88(10), 2012, 163-167

  2. Ljerka Jukić Matić: On D(w)-quadruples in the rings of integers of certain pure number fields. Glasnik Matematicki, (prihvaceno za objavljivanje)

  3. Ljerka Jukić, Bettina Dahl Soendergaard: University students’ retention of derivative concepts 14 months after the course: Influence of ’met-befores’ and ’met-afters’. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 43(6), 2012, 749-764

Conference proceedings (peer-reviewed)

  1. Ljerka Jukic, Bettina Dahl Soendergaard: The retention of key derivative concepts by university students on calculus courses at a Croatian and Danish university, Proc.34th Conf. of the Int. Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Brasil, Belo Horizonte: PME (2010)

  2.  Franka Miriam Brückler, Ljerka Jukic: How science students understand, remember and use mathematics, Research in Didactics of the Sciences Monograph, Proc.of the 4th International Conference on Research in Didactics of the Sciences, Krakow, Poljska (2010)

  3. Ljerka Jukic, Bettina Dahl Soendergaard: University students’ concept image and retention of the definite integral, Proc. 35th Conf. of the Int. Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Turkey, Ankara: PME (2011)

  4. Ljerka Jukic, Bettina Dahl Soendergaard: What Affects Retention of Core Calculus Concepts Among University Students? A Study of Different Teaching Approaches in Croatia And Denmark, Proceedings 7th Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME), Rzeszow, Poljska (2011). 61–65

  5.  Ljerka Jukć, Ivan Matić: Educating future mathematics teachers: Repeating mathematics from primary and secondary school, The Third International Scientific Colloquium Mathematics and Children (The Math Teacher), Osijek, Element, 2011. 27–34

  6. Karolina Dobi Barišić, Ivanka Ðeri, Ljerka Jukić: What Is the Future of the Integration of ICT in Teaching Mathematics, The Third International Scientific Colloquium Mathematics and Children (The Math Teacher), Osijek, Element, 2011. 128–140

  7. Ljerka Jukić Matić, Ivan Matić, Ana Katalenić: Approaches to learning mathematics in engineering study program, The Fourth International Scientific Colloquium Mathematics and Children (Mathematics Teaching for the Future), Osijek, Element, 2013. 186–195

  8.  Karolina Dobi Barišić, Ivanka Ðeri, Ljerka Jukić Matić: The influence of formal education and personal initiatives on the willingness to use ICT in teaching mathematics, The Fourth International Scientific Colloquium Mathematics and Children (Mathematics Teaching for the Future), Osijek, Element, 2013. 261–270

Professional papers:

  1. Lj. Jukić, Matematika i origami, Osječki Matematički List, 7 (2007), br.1

  2. Lj. Jukić, Matematika kroz igru domino, Osječki Matematički List, 7 (2007) br.2

  3. Lj. Jukić, Matematičke slagalice, Osječki Matematički List, 9 (2009) br.1

  4. Lj. Jukić & I.Hartmann, Od rimskih brojeva do chisanbopa, Matematika i škola, br. 54 (2010)

  5. Lj. Jukić & H. Velić, Fibonaccijev brojevni sustav, Math.e,  br.16 (2010)

  6. Lj. Jukić & I. Matić, Role of the competitions in the curricula of teaching computer science /
                                 Uloga natjecanja u kurikulu nastave infomatike, Croatian Journal of Education, 13(3), 2011

  7. Lj. Jukić Matić, Ivan Matić, Put Djeda Mraza, Osjecki matematicki list, Vol. 12(2012), br. 2

  8. Lj. Jukić Matić, Ivan Matić, Ljetovanje obitelji Medic, Osjecki matematicki list, Vol. 13(2013), br. 1

  9. V. Tutnjević, Lj  Jukic Matić, Razvijanje matematickog razumijevanja, Matematika i škola, 70 (2013)



Doctoral schools and conferences