Mathematical aspects of electoral systems Basic Information MI005 (1+0+1) - 3 ECTS credits Students will be acquainted with some basic mathematical aspects of electoral systems, as for instance evaluation and designing of electoral systems, models of electoral systems, elementary methods of seat allocation and their properties, etc. You can access the course content at the following link: PDF Teachers Instructor: Dr. Tomislav Marošević, Associate Professor Basic literature P.G.Cortona et al.: Evaluation and Optimization of Electoral Systems, SIAM, Philadelphia, 1999. J.K. Hodge and R.E. Klima: The mathematics of voting and elections : a hands-on approach, AMS, Providence, 2005. A.D.Taylor, A.M.Pacelli: Mathematics and Politics – Strategy, Voting, Power and Proof, Springer-Verlag, New York, 2008. Autorizirani nastavni materijali s predavanja. Additional literature Teaching materials The materials are available on the internal Teams channel of the course, through which all internal communication takes place. Students are required to register on the course’s Teams channel. The channel code for joining the course can be found in the schedule.