Radovi Unos rada u bazu Povratak na radove Naslov:* Godina:* Napomena: DOI: Sažetak: Odaberite tip rada: rad u znanstvenom časopisu rad u zborniku sa znanstvenog skupa stručni rad rad u pripremi knjiga / udžbenik ostali radovi softver Odaberite časopis: 2405-8963 Acta Biotheoretica Algorithms for Molecular Biology Croatian Journal of Education Frontiers in endocrinology (Lausanne) IFAC-PapersOnLine Jazykovedný časopis Mathematics teaching for the future Pattern Analysis and Applications Robotics and Autonomous Systems TEM Journal VentilAbcACM Journal of Experimental AlgorithmicsActa Applicandae MathematicaeActa Biologica HungaricaACTA CLINICA CROATICAActa Mathematica HungaricaActa Mathematica Spalatensia. Series DidacticaActa Polytechnica HungaricaActa Universitatis Sapientiae MathematicaActive Learning in Higher EducationAdvances in Applied Clifford AlgebrasAdvances in Computational MathematicsAdvances in Data Analysis and ClassificationAequationes mathematicaeAlgorithmicaAlgorithmsAnalele Stiintifice ale Universitatii Ovidius Constanta Seria MatematicaAnnali dell'Universita' di Ferrara Annals of Mathematical Sciences and ApplicationsAnnals of the University of Craiova, Mathematics and Computer Science SeriesANZIAM Journal Aplimat - Journal of applied mathematicsApplicable AnalysisApplicable Analysis and Discrete MathematicsApplications of MathematicsApplied IntelligenceApplied Mathematical ModellingApplied Mathematics & Information SciencesApplied mathematics and computation Applied mathematics lettersApplied Numerical MathematicsApplied SciencesApplied Soft ComputingArchiv für Tierzucht Ars CombinatoriaAsian-European Journal of MathematicsAxiomsBerichte der mathematisch-statistischen Sektion in der Forschungsgesellschaft Joanneum GrazBernoulliBioinformaticsBIT Numerical MathematicsBulletin de l'Académie Polonaise des Sciences. Série des Sciences Mathématiques, Astronomiques et PhysiquesBulletin Mathematique de la Société des Sciences Mathématiques de RoumanieBulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences SocietyČakavska rič : polugodišnjak za proučavanje čakavske riječiCenter for Educational Policy Studies JournalCentral European Journal of Operations Research Chaos, Solitons & FractalsCIT. Journal of Computing and Information TechnologyCollegium antropologicumCommentationes Mathematicae Universitatis CarolinaeCommunications in Mathematical SciencesCommunications in Partial Differential EquationsCommunications in Statistics - Theory and MethodsCommunications in statistics-simulation and computationCommunications is Statistics - Theory and Methods Communications on Pure and Applied AnalysisComputational Geometry - Theory and ApplicationsComputational Statistics & Data Analysis Computers & GeosciencesComputers & Industrial EngineeringComputers & Mathematics with ApplicationsComputers and Electronics in AgricultureComputingCroatian medical journalCroatian Operational Research Review Croatian Review of Economic, Business and Social Statistics (CREBSS)Current research in nutrition and food scienceCzech J. Animal ScienceCzechoslovak Mathematical Journal Didactica Slovenica - Pedagoška ObzorjaDiscrete Applied MathematicsDiscussiones Mathematicae Probability and StatisticsDopovidi NAS of Ukrainee-Prime, advances in electrical engineering, electronics and energyEarth Science InformaticsEconomic analysis and worker's managementEkonomski pregledEkonomski vjesnikElectronic Journal of Differential EquationsElectronic Journal of Linear AlgebraElectronic Journal of ProbabilityElectronic Notes in Discrete MathematicsElectronic Transactions on Numerical AnalysisElektrotehnikaElemente der MathematikEnergiesEnergy conversion and management ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical AnalysisESAIM: Probability and StatisticsEuropean Journal of Applied PhysiologyEuropean Journal of Pure and Applied MathematicsEuropean journal of science and mathematics educationExpert systems with applicationsFilomatFinancial Theory and PracticeFinancijska teorija i praksaFood ControlFoodsFoods and Raw materialsForestsForum MathematicumFractalsFractional Calculus and Applied AnalysisFuture Generation Computer SystemsGeodetski listGeometriae DedicataGeorgian Mathematical JournalGlasnik MatematičkiGlasnik matematičkiGraphs and CombinatoricsGrađevinarHigher Goals in Mathematics EducationHrvatska i komparativna javna uprava Hrvatski športskomedicinski vjesnikIEEE Transactions on Power SystemsIndagationes MathematicaeIndian Journal of Pure and Applied MathematicsInformation Processing LettersInformation SciencesInjuryIntegral Transforms and Special FunctionsIntelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance and ManagementInternational Journal for Engineering ModellingInternational Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer ScienceInternational Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics International Journal of Computational Geometry & ApplicationsInternational Journal of Computer MathematicsInternational Journal of Game-Based LearningInternational Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern PhysicsInternational Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and TechnologyInternational Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical SciencesInternational journal of numerical analysis and modelingInternational Journal of Parallel ProgrammingInternational Journal of Pure and Applied MathematicsInternational Journal of Research in Education and ScienceInternational Mathematics Research NoticesInverse ProblemsInvestigations in Mathematics LearningIranian Journal of Fuzzy SystemsISRN Mathematical AnalysisIssues in the Undergraduate Mathematics Preparation of School Teachers: The JournalJournal for Geometry and GraphicsJournal für Mathematik-DidaktikJournal of AlgebraJournal of Algebra and Its ApplicationsJournal of Applied MathematicsJournal of Applied Mathematics and MechanicsJournal of Approximation TheoryJournal of Classical AnalysisJournal of Computational and Applied MathematicsJournal of Computational and Applied Mathematics,Journal of Differential EquationsJournal of Evolution EquationsJournal of food process engineeringJournal of Global Optimization Journal of Inequalities and ApplicationsJournal of Inequalities and Special FunctionsJournal of Inequalities in Pure and Applied MathematicsJournal of Information and Organizational SciencesJournal of Language ModellingJournal of Lie TheoryJournal of Mathematical Analysis and ApplicationsJournal of Mathematical InequalitiesJournal of mathematical physicsJournal of Mathematical PhysicsJournal of Mathematical Physics, Analysis and GeometryJournal of Open Research SoftwareJournal of optimization theory and applications Journal of SeismologyJournal of Statistical PhysicsJournal of Statistical Planning and InferenceJournal of sustainable development of energy, water and environment systemsJournal of The Franklin InstituteJournal of the Korean Statistical SocietyJournal of the Ramanujan Mathematical SocietyJournal of Theoretical ProbabilityJournal of Environmental Science and Engineering AKemija u industriji: časopis kemičara i tehnologa Hrvatske Knowledge-Based Systems KoG (Scientific and Professional Journal of Croatian Society for Geometry and Graphics) Kragujevac Journal of MathematicsKrmivaLiječnički vjesnikLinear algebra and its applicationsLinear and multilinear algebraLogic Journal of the IGPLMagistra IadertinaManuscripta MathematicaMarkov Processes and Related FieldsMATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer ChemistryMatematički biltenMatematički kolokvijum (MAT-KOL)Matematičko fizički listMatematika i školaMateriales De ConstrucciónMaterijalsMath.e : hrvatski matematički elektronski časopis Mathematica BalkanicaMathematica MontisnigriMathematica PannonicaMathematica Pannonica New SeriesMathematica SlovacaMathematical and Computer ModellingMathematical CommunicationsMathematical Communications - Supplement Mathematical Inequalities and ApplicationsMathematical Methods in the Applied Sciencies Mathematical Modelling and AnalysisMathematicsMathematics and Computers in SimulationMathematics Education (a.k.a International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education)Mathematics Teaching-Research JournalMathematics Teaching-Research JournalMathematische ZeitschriftMatka Mechanical Systems and Signal ProcessingMediterranean Journal of MathematicsMethodology and Computing in Applied ProbabilityMetodički oglediMiskolc Mathematical NotesMoleculesMonatshefte für MathematikNagoya Mathematical JournalNapredakNEUROSONOLOGY AND CEREBRAL HEMODYNAMICSNew York Journal of MathematicsNonlinear analysis: real world applicationsNova prisutnostNumerical Algebra, Control and OptimizationNumerical AlgorithmsNumerical Linear Algebra with ApplicationsOperators and MatricesOptimization and EngineeringOptimization Letters Organization Technology and Management in Construction: an International JournalOsječki matematički listPacific Journal of MathematicsPattern RecognitionPattern Recognition LettersPeriodica Mathematica HungaricaPoljoprivredaPoslovna izvrsnostPoučakPrivredaProbStat ForumProceedings of A. Razmadze Mathematical InstituteProceedings of the American Mathematical SocietyProceedings of the American Mathematical SocietyProceedings of the Japan Academy. Series A Mathematical sciencesProgress in Steel, Composite and Aluminium Structures: Proceedings of the XI Int Conf on Metal Structures (ICMS 2006), RzeszowPsychiatry and Clinical NeurosciencesPublicationes Mathematicae Quasigroups and Related SystemsRACSAMRad HAZU, Matematičke znanosti.Random operators and stochastics equationsRepresentation TheoryResearch in mathematics educationResults in engineeringResults in MathematicsRevista de Investigación en Didáctica de las Matemáticas RisksSarajevo Journal of MathematicsScientific Reports - NatureSIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications SIAM Journal on Scientific ComputingSocial Computing and Social MediaSomatosensory & Motor Research Southeastern European Medical JournalStatistička revijaStatistics & Probability LettersStatistics - a Journal of Theoretical and Applied StatisticsStatistics and its InterfaceStočarstvoStochastic Analysis and ApplicationsStochastic Environmental Research and Risk AssessementStochastic Processes and their ApplicationsStochastics - An International Journal of Probability and Stochastics ProcessesStudentStudia scientiarum mathematicarum HungaricaSustainabilitySuvremena psihologijaSystems and Control LettersTaiwanese journal of mathematics Teaching mathematics and computer scienceTehnički glasnikTehnički vjesnikTekstilTESTThe American Mathematical MonthlyThe Electronic Journal of e-LearningThe European Journal of PsychiatryThe IMA Journal of Numerical AnalysisThe Journal of AnalysisThe Journal of AnalysisThe Mathematica JournalThe Mathematics Educator (Singapore)The R JournalTheoretical Computer ScienceTheory of Probability and Mathematical StatisticsTheory of Stochastic Processes TomographyTopology and its ApplicationsTransactions of A. Razmadze Mathematical InstituteTransactions of FAMENATransactions of the American Mathematical SocietyTurkish Journal of MathematicsVibration Problems ICOVP 2011, Springer Proceedings in PhysicsVietnam Journal of MathematicsWSEAS Transactions on Business and EconomicsZDM – Mathematics EducationŽivot i školaInternational Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology Volumen: * Svezak: Br. stranica od: Br. stranica do: Odaberite znanstveni skup: 13th International Fluid Power Conference 16th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems 21st ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG) 40th Conf. of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education 4th South East Europe Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems 7th Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education International Conference Fluid Power 2017 International Conference Fluid Power 2019 Symposium on Operations Research SOR '9510th Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education10th International Conference on Operational Research KOI 200410th Vienna International Conference on Mathematical Modelling MATHMOD 202211th Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME11)11th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA)11th International Conference on Ulcer Research11th International Fluid Power Conference12. godišnja međunarodna konferencija Kondicijska priprema sportaša 201412th International Conference on Operational Research13.godišnja medunarodna konferencija Kondicijska priprema sportaša 201513th Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education13th International Symposium on Operational Research15th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI)15th International Conference ITI 199316th European Young Statisticians Meeting16th International Conference on Geometry and Graphics16th International Conference on Technology in Mathematics Teaching17th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES)17th Int. Conf. Information Technology Interfaces17th Scandinavian International Conference on Fluid Power18th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry (CCCG)18th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems18th European Young Statisticians Meeting18th International Conference on Operational Research, KOI 202018th Learning and Intelligent Optimization Conference19th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry (CCCG)19th International Conference ITI 19971st Virtual International Conference in Advanced Research in Scientific Areas2022 45th Jubilee International Convention on Information, Communication and Electronic Technology (MIPRO)2024 47th MIPRO ICT and Electronics Convention (MIPRO)2024 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC)20th European Young Statisticians Meeting23nd Annual International Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology26th European Workshop on Computational Geometry (EuroCG)26th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction26th International Conference on Information Tehnology Interfaces2nd Special Focus Symposium on IKS: Information and Knowledge Systems33. Simpozij ETAN u pomorstvu33rd International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO)34th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education35th Conf. of the Int. Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education3rd Conference on Operational Research KOI 199340th International ICT Convention - MIPRO 201741st International Convention - MIPRO 201842nd International Convention - MIPRO 201944th Conf. of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education44th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education48. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Mathematik4th Conference on Operational Research KOI 19944th International Conference on Research in Didactics of the Sciences4th International scientific conference on kinesiology - Science and profession – challenge for the future4th International Symposium on Operations Research in Slovenia SOR’9759th International Symposium ELMAR-20175th Conference on Operational Research KOI 19955th International scientific conference on kinesiology 5th International Workshop on Experimetal Algorithms (WEA)6th International Conference on Operational Research KOI 19966th World Congress and School on Universal Logic7th International Conference on Operational Research KOI 19987th International scientific conference on kinesiology „ Fundamental and Applied Kinesiology - Steps Forward “7th WSEAS International Conference on Neural Networks8th International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics9th Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education9th International Conference on Operational Research KOI 20029th Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and Experimentation (ALENEX)AlgorithmS for Wireless And mobile Networks (A_SWAN)Antropološke, metodičke, metodološke i stručne pretpostavke rada u područjima edukacije, sporta, sportske rekreacije i kineziterapijeAplimat 2008Book of Abstracts 17th International Conference on Operational Research, KOI 2018Bosnian-Croatian Analysis MeetingConcrete Structures for Traffic NetworkConference on Applied Mathematics and Scientific ComputingConference on Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing 2001Conference on Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing 2011Credit Scoring & Credit Control IXDidactical Challenges 4: Future Studies in EducationDurability and Maintenance of Concrete StructuresEAI CollaborateCom 2023 - 19th EAI International Conference on Collaborative Computing: Networking, Applications and WorksharingEducation vision & challenge for future (EDUvision)Education vision & challenge for future 2014Efekti primene fi zičke aktivnosti na antropološki status dece, omladine i odraslihEffective teaching and learning of mathematics through bridging theory and practiceFourth Mathematical Conference of the Republic of Srpska,GAMM Annual meeting 2023GECCO '17 Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference CompanionGECCO '23 Companion: Proceedings of the Companion Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary ComputationGeneral Topology and its relations to Modern Analysis and Algebra VIASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications, part of the 24th Multi-Conference on Applied Informatics, 2006ICT and Electronics Convention (MIPRO), 2023 46th MIPROIEEE EUROCON 2023 - 20th International Conference on Smart TechnologiesII Internationales wissenschaftliches Kolloquium ”Wissenschaft für die Praxis”Informatizacija u područjima edukacije, sporta i sportske rekreacijeInternational conference Fluid Power 2021International Conference Fluid Power 2023International Conference Forecasting Financial Markets : Advances for Exchange Rates, Interest Rates and Asset ManagementInternational Conference Information Technology InterfaceInternational Scientific Conference MMA 2021International Symposium of Operational ResearchInternational Symposium of Operational Research SOR'19IV.Conference on Applied MathematicsKinesiological Education - Heading Towards The FutureKvaliteta rada u područjima edukacije, sporta i sportske rekreacijeMathematics and children, 3rd International Scientific ColloquiumMathematics and children, 4th International Scientific ColloquiumMathematics and Children, The 5th International Scientific ColloquiumMetodički organizacijski oblici rada u područjima edukacije, sporta, sportske rekreacije i kineziterapijeParallel Problem Solving from Nature – PPSN XVIII: 18th International ConferencePrimjena kompjutora u poljoprivrediProceedings of IS-APMEF Programski sustav Mathematica u znanosti, tehnologiji i obrazovanju. PrimMath[2001]Programski sustav Mathematica u znanosti, tehnologiji i obrazovanju. PrimMath[2003]. Progress in Steel, Composite and Aluminium Structures Prvi znanstveno-stručni skup: Programski sustav Mathematica u znanosti, tehnologiji i obrazovanjuRe(s)sources 2018Representations of Reductive p-adic GroupsRobot 2019: Fourth Iberian Robotics ConferenceSavremeni trendovi u psihologijiStanje i perspektiva razvoja u područjima edukacije, sporta, sportske rekreacije i kineziterapijeSuvremene teme u odgoju i obrazovanjuSYM-OP-IS 2015: XLII International Symposium on Operations ResearchSymposium on Operational Research in Slovenia, SOR '19Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS)Tendencias en la Educación Matemática 2024The 10th International Conference on Vibration Problems ICOVP 2011The 11 Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME11)The 18th International Conference on Geometry and GraphicsThe 21th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and SystemsThe 2nd International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Energy Technologies (ICECET)The 55th International Symposium on Forest Mechanization (FORMEC) and the 7th Forest Engineering Conference (FEC)The Entrepreneurship - Innovation - Marketing InterfaceThe Pyrenees International Workshop on Statistics, Probability and ORThe Shortest Path Problem: Ninth DIMACS Implementation ChallengeThe Young Researcher Workshop on Differential Geometry in Minkowski SpaceThird International Conference on Mathematics Textbook Research and Development.Transfer razvojnog znanja u regionalna središtaVI. Conference on Applied MathematicsVrednovanje u području edukacije, sporta i sportske rekreacijeX Symposium PforzheimXIV godišnji sastanak Saveza statističkih društava JugoslavijeXVII EURALEX International CongressXVIth European Symposium on the Quality of Poultry MeatXXII World's Poultry CongressZbornik radova 23. ljetne škole kineziologa Republike Hrvatske, Poreč, 2014., „Kineziološke aktivnosti i sadržaji za djecu, učenike i mladež s teškoćama u razvoju i ponašanju te za osobe s invaliditetZbornik radova nastavnika Studija elektrostrojarstva 1979-1984 Br. stranica od: Br. stranica do: Izdavač: Mjesto: ISBN:* Odaberite autore * Yuri A. BrychkovĐurđica AčkarChandrashekara AdigaIbrahim AganovićAndrea Aglić AljinovićJulian AguirreIstkhar AliMladen AlićJasmina AlilovićMirta AlilovićIsraa AlqassemMaja AndrijevićNenad AntonićGualberto Asencio-CortésFlorin AvramKhalid Mahmood AwanJurislav BabićAna Babić ČikešMarin BačićFruzsina BagameryDražen BajerMarina BakulaMarta BalogJerko BarbićRenata BarićJosipa BarićArpad BariczVeronika BarišićIvana BarišićAnderw BarronAndrew BarronIvica BašićHolger BastAlfonzo BaumgartnerChristopher BeattieJelka Beban-BrkićDražen BegićDolores BegovićAndrea BehinRene BeierFilip BelićJuraj BenićPeter BennerMirta BenšićGoran BenšićMonika BereckiRajs BilićBlanka Bilić RajsSuzana BingulacIvan BiondićDragana BlagojevićDanilo BlanušaSenka BlažetićMislav BlaževićBranko BognarZoran BohačekMichael BoivinGoran BokunLuka BorasĐula BorozanBartol BorozanLuka BorozanVladimir BorzanBarbara BošnjakKatarina BošnjakDarija BrajkovićDarija Brajković ZorićSanja BrdarMirna BrekaloDanko BrezakMartina Briš AlićBianca BrixFranka Miriam BruecklerGorazd BučarMaja BudečJurica BudjaSandra BudžakiKrunoslav BuljanVesna BuljanKrešimir BurazinTomislav BurićRobert BušićDavor ButkovićSilva Butković-SoldoMarija ČandrlićVlado ČandrlićSilvija CaneckiStefan CanzarGilles CaporossiNinoslav ČerkezVera CesarNathan ChappellMihael CikojaMihael CipekAmbroz ČivljakCarlos A. Coello CoelloRebeka ČorićPetra CornAnja CornIvana CrnjacMiljenko CrnjacJosip CuminRobert CupecMartin CurmanJosip CvenićZvonimir DabčevićBettina Dahl SoendergaardFernando de TeranŽeljko DebeljakJonas DenissenBranko DmitrovićKarolina Dobi BarišićKristina DokoTihomir DokšanovićTomislav DošlićInes DrenjančevićEszter DuczaDorotea DudašAndrej DujellaMartina DukBranimir DukićDijana DumančićMiroslav DusparaFriedrich EisenbrandKhaled ElbassioniMarko ErcegMario EssertMatija FenrichIvanka FerčecIvana FilipanLobel FilipićAlan FilipinMia FilipovDarko FischerJosipa FlamIvana FlanjakDrago FranciškovićZrinka FranušićNikolina FridYasutsugu FujitaHrvoje FulgosiStefan FunkeSrećko GajovićAurél GalántaiRadoslav GalićDario GalićRobert GasparDejan GemeriFrancisco Javier Gil-GalaDubravka Glasnović GracinAmanda GlavašKatarzyna GorskaNandu GoswamiDanijel GrahovacNataša GraovacRatko GrbićLucijana GrgićBranko GrizeljMarianthi Grizioti Luka GrubišićSerkan GugercinDamir GugićBoris GuljašSilva GuljašSergio GutiérrezIvan GutmanKarl-Peter HadelerJudit Hajagos-TóthSafet HamedovićMarcela HanzerIvana HartmannTracy HarwoodAdela HasMarija HefferIrmina HerburtVan Hoan DoŽeljko HocenskiKatarina HorvatAndrzej HorzelaMatija HranićAnica HunjetBernarda HutinecVesna IlakovacAlen ImširovićZvonimir IvančevićStanko IvankovićIvan IvanšićVedrana IvićMartina IvkovićTomislav JagnjićLidija JakobekDomagoj JakobovićAna JakopecNevena Jakovčević StorDavor JančuljakDragana Jankov MaširevićJelena Jankov PavlovićMiroslav JankovićMidhat JašićTatjana JelenSlobodan JelićMofei JiaStela JokićBojana JovanovićAntonio JovanovićFranjo JovićAleksandra JovičićAntun JozinovićDragan JukićMirela JukićMirela Jukić BokunLjerka Jukić MatićJohannes JungEma JurkinDragutin KadojićYoshihiro KannoShao-Yen KaoMyrto KaravakouJuraj KarlušićIvan KarnerMichael KarowAndreas KarrenbauerJosip KasaćAna KatalenićMiroslava KatičićNera KeglevićGabrijela Kehler-PoljakIvan KernerPéter KeveiAleksandar KibelYeansu KimInes KladušićMatija KlarićMatea KlarićIvana KlaričićMilica Klaričić BakulaAntoaneta KlobučarMilica KneževićMarinela KneževićMartin KnorDavor KolarZdenka Kolar-BegovićRužica Kolar-ŠuperAgoston Kolos CsabaIvan KolundMirela KopjarLeon KorenSlavica Kosanović Antti KoskelaIndira KosovićMirna Kostović SrzentićSanja KovačDražan KozakAna KozićMaja KožulAndrea KrajinaVinko KrajinaGordana KralikHrvoje KraljevićŠima KraljevićJanko KraševacDaniel KressnerMarija KristekZdravka Krivdić DupanErik KrohnZdravko KrpićMatija KrznarŽeljko KrznarićAlexey M. KulikPetar KunštekPatrick KurschnerGoran KušecIvana Kuzmanović IvičićLjiljanka KvesićAna KvolikIrena LabakGordan LaucSören LaueRobert LedenčanAna LekoNikolai N. LeonenkoHrvoje LepedušKruno LepoglavecRenata Letica BrnadićRen-Cang LiXin LiangMaja LiblDragutin LisjakBaiying LiuIvana LončarevićAnte LončarićRafael LopezSolomiia MahiiovychSnježana Majstorović ErgotićTheocharis MalamatosJurica MaltarNikola MandićDario MandićIvona MandićJelena ManojlovićYaping MaoSibe MardešićPetra MargetićSiniša MaričićIvan MarkovićDarija MarkovićMirna MarkovićDamir MarkulakTomislav MaroševićFrancisco Martínez-ÁlvarezGoran MartinovićMiljenko MarušićPredrag MatavuljIvan MatićPetra MatićMarko MatićDomagoj MatijevićJens MaueMane MedićMarcel MelerHermann MenaEmre MengiEnrih MerdićJulian MestreMiroslav MeštrovićN. MičunovićDominik MihalčićSilvio MihaljevićMiodrag J. MihaljevićMagdalena MikićMirna MikićToni MilasJosip MiletićJakov MilićIvana MiličevićKruno MiličevićBorislav MiličevićŽeljka Milin-ŠipušMarija Miloloža PandurMarija Miloloža PandurMarija MiloševićSuzana MiodragovićAna Mirković Moguš Tim MitchellDarko MitrovićPablo Monteagudo Antonio Morales-EstebanDragan MorićJulio MoroTihomir MoslavacDiana Moslavac BičvićSanela Mužar HorvatGoran NagyYuji NakatsukasaIvica NakićIvanka Netinger-GrubešaHrvoje NevečerelPatrick NikićElena NikonovaMarina NištGoranka NogoDanijela NovačkiAntonio NuićEmmanuel Karlo NyarkoMarko OreškovićRalf OsbildMarta OstojčićSonia PalhaDavide PalittaIvana PalunkoJelena Panak BalentićZdravko PandurIvan PapićĐurđica Parac-OstermanRakesh K. Parmar Daniela PaulikMichele PavićRoman PavićDanijel PavkovićMargita PavlekovićOliver PavlovićMatea PavlovićDeni PavokovićJosip PečarićAntonia PenđerJuan Carlos PeralMislav PetanjakMaja PetračKrešimir PetrićAntun PetričevićJovana PetrovićIvan PetrovićSanja PfeiferStjepan PicekMarinela Pilj VidakovićLjerka PinotićFilip PlavacTibor PoganjStjepan Poljak Saminathan PonnusamyLjiljana Primorac GajčićIvana ProtrkaSara PršaVišnja PrusTomislav PrusinaIvona PuljićMatea PuvačaUna RadojičićMiloš RadovanovićJasmina RajcNikola RajčićMatej RechnerVladimir RedžepMihaela Ribičić PenavaAndrija RičkoFrancisca Rojas RingelingAlen RončevićDuska RosenbergMarija RukavSanja RukavinaJens SaakKristian SaboLudmila SakhnoTamer SalhaRužica ŠalićŽeljka SalingerMarina SamarđijaPeter SandersStipo ŠandrkIvana Šandrk NukićAntonija ŠarićMarija ŠarićNataša ŠarlijaRavi SaxenaRam K. SaxenaBogumir SchönDominik SchultesKlaudija ScitovskiSanja ScitovskiRudolf ScitovskiDominik SemrenĐuro SenčićAdrienn Seres-BokorVatroslav ŠerićJosip SertićDomagoj ŠeverdijaMeiyue ShaoBranko SikoparijaAlla SikorskiiMirta ŠilacMirta Šilac-BenšićGoran ŠimunovićSlavica SingerSanjeev SinghIvan ŠirićDominik ŠišejkovićŽeljko ŠitumSofija ŠkorvagaRiste ŠkrekovskiDino ŠkrobarZoran ŠkrtićB. ŠkurlaIvan SlapničarJosip SliškoDragica ŠmitPetra Šmit TakačDarija ŠnajderDragan SobolIvan SoldoLucian ŠošićHelmuth SpäthMaria L SpletterHari M. SrivastavaMario ŠtefanićDavor ŠtercDragan StevanovićTomislav StipančićMarija ŠtivićAntun StoićKruno StražanacIvica StrelecKristina StrukarAna StupinDrago ŠubarićEndre SuliMarijan ŠušnjarIvana ŠustekNenad ŠuvakIlija SvalinaRobert SzaszÉva SzökőAnita Sztojkov-IvanovKálmán Ferenc SzűcsTamás TábiMarko TadićPetar TalerMurad TaqquEmanuele TauferAoden Teo Masha ToshiDanijela TesendićIrena TešnjakMilan TodorovićVerica TodorovićIvan TolićDomagoj TolićZvonimir TomacSrečko TomasSnježana TomićZoran TomljanovićBrigita TotAna TotOzana Katarina TotMaja TrstenjakNinoslav TruharŽeljko TurkaljVesna TutnjevićŽaneta UgarčićMatea UgricaNataša UjićŠime UkićBaulain UlrichŠime UngarIgor UrbihaCeren Vardar-AcarDamir VarevacSandor G. VariAgnes VaskoviIvan VazlerAleksandar VčevHelena VelićTena VelkiKrešimir VeselićAnđelko VicoAntun VidićIvan VidovićTihomir VidranskiDragutin VincekKatarina VincetićMario VinkovićMirjana VladetićMatthias VoigtVladimir VolenecŽeljko VrabecDalibor VračanM. VračevićŽeljko VranješMarko VrdoljakGabrijela VrdoljakLuka VučetićVlatko VučetićAna VukelićDamir VukičevićDrago VukojevićIvan VukovićRosemary VukovićIvana VuksanovićŽeljka Vukšić-MihaljevićZhao WangWei-guo WangMarcus WaurickWolfgang WeberPatrick WijeramaNicola WolpertShufang XuIsmael YeroPredrag ZarevskiValentina ŽdralovićMonika ZecMarijana Zekić-SušacDalibor ŽgelaLei-Hong ZhangLada ZibarTihomir ŽilićMilorad ZjalićDajana ZucićMatija ZvonarićIvanka ĐeriJasmina ĐorđevićMateja ĐumićMarko ĐurasevićIvona ĐurkinIvana ĐurđevićMonika Đuzel Prenesite datoteku Napomena: Moguće je uplodati samo .pdf, .zip i .rar dokumente ili unesite URL adresu: Unesi * Obavezna polja