Asisstant Professor

Ivana Kuzmanović Ivičić
3 (1st floor)
School of Applied Mathematics and Informatics

Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek

Research Interests

  • Applied mathematics
  • Numerical linear algebra
  • Matrix equations
  • Parameter dependent problems
  • Perturbation theory


PhD in Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, University of Zagreb, 2012.

BSc in Mathematics and Computer Science, Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek, Croatia, 2005.


Journal Publications

  1. I. Kuzmanović Ivičić, S. Miodragović, Perturbation bounds for stable gyroscopic systems in motion about an unstable equilibrium position, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, (2024), prihvaćen za objavljivanje
    Relative perturbation bounds for stable linear gyroscopic systems $\displaystyle M \ddot x(t) + G\dot x(t) + K x(t) = 0$ are considered, where $M, K\in\mathbb{R}^{n\times n}$ are symmetric, $M$ is positive definite, $K$ negative definite and $G \in\mathbb{R}^{n\times n}$ is skew-symmetric such that $|G| > k M - k^{-1} K$ for some $k>0$. This means that all of the eigenvalues of the system are \textcolor{red}{purely} imaginary and semi-simple. For this kind of systems, we present an upper bound for the relative change in eigenvalues as well as the $\sin\Theta$ type bound for the corresponding eigenvectors under the perturbation of the system matrices. The performance of obtained bounds is illustrated in numerical experiments.
  2. S. Miodragović, N. Truhar, I. Kuzmanović Ivičić, Relative perturbation $\tan \Theta$ theorems for definite matrix pairs, Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis 60 (2024), 364-380
  3. I. Kuzmanović Ivičić, S. Miodragović, Perturbation bounds for stable gyroscopic systems, BIT Numerical Mathematics 63/1 (2023), 1-16
    In this paper we consider linear gyroscopic mechanical systems. More precisely, we consider the perturbation theory for stable gyroscopic systems. We present new relative perturbation bounds for the eigenvalues as well as the bounds for the perturbation of the corresponding eigenspaces. Derived bounds are dependent only on system matrices of the original and perturbed systems. The quality of obtained results is illustrated in the numerical experiment.
  4. I. Kuzmanović Ivičić, S. Miodragović, M. Ugrica, The tan Θ theorem for definite matrix pairs, Linear and multilinear algebra 70 (2022), 1-17
    In this paper, we consider the perturbation of a Hermitian matrix pair $(H,M)$, where $H$ and $M$ are non-singular and positive definite Hermitian matrices, respectively. A novel upper bound on a tangent of the angles between the eigenspaces of perturbed and unperturbed pairs is derived under a perturbation to the off-diagonal blocks of $H$. The rotation of the eigenspaces under a perturbation is measured in the matrix-dependent scalar product. We show that a $tanTheta$ bound for the standard eigenvalue problem is a special case of our new bound and that the obtained bound can be much sharper than the existing $sinTheta$ bounds.
  5. M. Essert, I. Kuzmanović Ivičić, I. Vazler, T. Žilić, Theory of M-system, Logic Journal of the IGPL 25/5 (2017), 836-858
    This paper introduces a new formal theory, the theory of M-system, which represents a many-valued logic system. Basic terms and concepts are defined which are the foundation for their further application. Though the theory comes from the field of electric circuitry, an attempt will be made to extend it to applications in linguistics. To check the examples used in this paper, a Haskell program was made, which can be found at
  6. I. Kuzmanović Ivičić, Z. Tomljanović, N. Truhar, Damping optimization over the arbitrary time of the excited mechanical system, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 304 (2016), 120-129
    In this paper we consider damping optimization in mechanical system excited by an external force. We use optimization criteria based on minimizing average energy amplitude and average displacement amplitude over the arbitrary time. As the main result we derive explicit formulas for objective functions. These formulas can be implemented efficiently and accelerate optimization process significantly, which is illustrated in a numerical example.
  7. I. Kuzmanović Ivičić, N. Truhar, Optimization of the solution of the parameter-dependent Sylvester equation and applications, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 237/1 (2013), 136-144
    This paper deals with an efficient algorithm for optimization of the solution of the parameter-dependent Sylvester equation $(A_0-vC_1C_2^T)X(v)+X(v)(B_0-vD_1D_2^T)=E, $ where $A_0$ is $mtimes m$, $B_0$ is $ntimes n$, $C_1$ and $C_2$ are $mtimes r_1$, $D_1$ and $D_2$ are $ntimes r_2$ and $X$ and $E$ are $mtimes n$ matrices. For optimization we use the following two optimization criteria: $tr(X(v))rightarrowmin$ and $|X(v)|_Frightarrowmin$. We present an efficient algorithm which derives formulas for the trace and for the Frobenius norm of the solution $X$ as functions $vrightarrowtr(X(v))$ and $vrightarrow|X(v)|_F$ as well as derivatives of these functions in a small amount of operations. That ensures fast optimization of these functions via standard optimization methods like the Newton method. A special case of this problem is a very important problem of dampers’ viscosity optimization in mechanical systems.
  8. I. Kuzmanović Ivičić, N. Truhar, Sherman-Morrison-Woodbury formula for Sylvester and $T$-Sylvester equation with applications, International Journal of Computer Mathematics 90/2 (2013), 306-324
    In this paper we present the Sherman-Morrison-Woodbury-type formula for the solution of the Sylvester equation of the form [(A_0+U_1V_1)X+X(B_0+U_2V_2)=E, ] as well as for the solution of the $T$-Sylvester equation of the form [ (A_0+U_1V_1)X+X^T(B_0+U_2V_2)=E, ] where $U_1, U_2, V_1, V_2$ are low-rank matrices. Although the matrix version of this formula for the Sylvester equation has been used in several different applications (but not for the case of a $T$-Sylvester equation), we present a novel approach using a proper operator representation. This novel approach allows us to derive a matrix version of the Sherman-Morrison-Woodbury-type formula for the Sylvester equation, as well as for the $T$-Sylvester equation which seems to be new. We also present algorithms for the efficient calculation of the solution of Sylvester and $T$-Sylvester equations by using these formulas and illustrate their application in several examples.
  9. I. Kuzmanović Ivičić, Z. Tomljanović, N. Truhar, Optimization of material with modal damping, Applied mathematics and computation 218 (2012), 7326-7338
    This paper considers optimal parameters for modal damping $D=Mf_1(M^{-1}K;alpha_1,dots,alpha_k)+Kf_2(K^{-1}M;alpha_1,dots,alpha_k)$ in mechanical systems described by the equation $Mddot{x}+Ddot{x}+Kx=0 $, where matrices $M$ and $K$ are mass and stiffness matrices, respectively. Different models of proportional and generalized proportional damping are considered and optimal parameters with respect to different optimization criteria related to the solution of the corresponding Lyapunov equation are given. Also, some specific example problems are compared with respect to the optimal and estimated parameters.

Refereed Proceedings

  1. T. Žilić, M. Essert, J. Benić, I. Kuzmanović Ivičić, Universal M-Valued logic, 6th World Congress and School on Universal Logic, Vichy, Francuska, 2018, 485-489
    This paper based on M-theory wants to show the correlation of Cartesian product of elements of ordered set with a basic, multi-value logic. Using simple algorithms discovered by M. Sare in the natural laws of electrical networks, it is possible to construct logical tables, i.e. grids, for all logic functions of n variables.
  2. I. Kuzmanović Ivičić, Z. Tomljanović, N. Truhar, Applications of Lyapunov and T-Lyapunov equations in mechanics, Fourth Mathematical Conference of the Republic of Srpska,, Trebinje, 2014, 83-92
    This paper considers Lyapunov and T -Lyapunov matrix equations. Lyapunov equation is a matrix equation of the form AX + XA^T = E which plays a vital role in a number of applications, while T -Lyapunov equation is a matrix equation of the form AX +X^TA^T = E. In this paper the relation between these equations will be exploit with purpose of applying obtained results in problems regarding damping optimization in mechanical systems.
  3. I. Kuzmanović Ivičić, G. Kušec, K. Sabo, R. Scitovski, A new method for searching an L_1 solution of an overdetermined system of linear equations and applications, 12th International Conference on Operational Research, Pula, Croatia, 2008, 309-319
  4. I. Kuzmanović Ivičić, R. Scitovski, K. Sabo, I. Vazler, The least absolute deviation linear regression: properties and two efficient methods, Aplimat 2008, Bratislava, 2008, 227-240
  5. R. Scitovski, I. Kuzmanović Ivičić, Jedna metoda procjene parametara u smislu minimizacije sume L_p ortogonalnih udaljenosti, Programski sustav Mathematica u znanosti, tehnologiji i obrazovanju. PrimMath[2003]. , Zagreb, Hrvatska, 2003, 147-157


  1. M. Andrijević, I. Kuzmanović Ivičić, Matematički model problema školskog rasporeda, Osječki matematički list 22 (2022), 119-129
    Problem školskog rasporeda vrlo je zastupljen problem koji s vremenom postaje sve složeniji jer je pri izradi rasporeda sve više uvjeta i ograničenja koji moraju biti zadovoljeni. U ovom radu prikazan je matematički model osnovnog problema rasporeda sati. Već u tom sasvim jednostavnom slučaju vidljivo je da se radi o vrlo složenom problemu koji svakim dodatnim uvjetom postaje sve složeniji sa sve manjim brojem rješenja. Danas je dostupno mnogo aplikacija koje pomažu pri izradi rasporeda, a sve se baziraju na nekoj matematičkoj metodi za pronalaženje optimalnog rješenja.


01.01.2020.–31.12.2023.  investigator on scientific project   Vibration Reduction in Mechanical Systems  (IP-2019-04-6774, VIMS). This project is fully supported by Croatian Science Foundation.

01.07.2015. – 30.06.2019  investigator on scientific project “Optimization of parameter dependent mechanical systems (IP-2014-09-9540; OptPDMechSys). This project has been fully supported by Croatian Science Foundation

2007- 2013 investigator on  scientific project (235-2352818-1034)  “Nonlinear parameter estimation problems in mathematical models“ (Ministry of Science, Education and Sports)


Workshop and Conference Talks

  • Ivana Kuzmanović Ivičić, Perturbation bounds for stable gyroscopic systems in motion about unstable equilibrium position, GAMM ANLA, October 5-6, 2023, Augsburg, Germany
  • Ivana Kuzmanović Ivičić, Perturbation bounds for a stable gyroscopic systems, ALAMA 2022 – ALN2gg, 1st to 3rd June 2022, Madrid, Spain
  • Ivana Kuzmanović Ivičić, Optimization of parameter dependent structured Sylvester and T-Sylvester equations, 8th European Congress of Mathematics, 20 – 26 June 2021, Portorož, Slovenia
  • Ivana Kuzmanović Ivičić, Structured Sylvester and T-Sylvester equations, 28th Biennial Numerical Analysis Conference, Glasgow, 25-28 June 2019
  • I.Kuzmanović, Parameter Dependent Generalized Sylvester and T-Sylvester Equations,  6th International Eurasian Conference on Mathematical Sciences and Applications (IECMSA-2017), August 15-18, 2017, Budapest, Hungary.
  • I.Kuzmanović, Parameter dependent generalized Sylvester and T-Sylvester equations, METT VII — 7th Workshop on Matrix Equations and Tensor Techniques, 13-14 February 2017, Pisa, Italy
  • Ivana Kuzmanović, Optimization of the solution of Sylvester and $T$-Sylvester equations with applications, 16th GAMM ANLA Workshop, September 15-16, 2016, Hamburg, Germany
  • Ivana Kuzmanović, Damping optimization over the arbitrary time of the excited mechanical systems, 6th Croatian MathematicalCongress, June 14-17, 2016, Zagreb, Croatia
  • Ivana Kuzmanović, Structured Sylvester and T-Sylvester equations, 10th International Workshop on
    Accurate Solution of Eigenvalue Problems (IWASEP 10), Dubrovnik, June 2-5, 2014
  • I. Kuzmanović, Applications of Lyapunov and $T$-Lyapunov equations in mechanics, Fourth Mathematical Conference of the Republic of Srpska, Trebinje, 2014
  •  I. Kuzmanović, N.Truhar. Sherman-Morrison-Woodbury formula for Sylvester and T-Sylvester equation, 5th Croatian Mathematical Congress, June 18 – 21, 2012, Rijeka, Croatia
  •  Scitovski, Rudolf; Sabo, Kristian; Kuzmanović, Ivana; Vazler, Ivan; Cupec, Robert; Grbić, Ratko. The best least absolute deviation hyperplane – properties and efficient methods , 4th Croatian Mathematical Congress, Osijek, June 17-20, 2008
  •  I. Kuzmanović, The least absolute deviation linear regression: properties and two efficient methods, Aplimat, Bratislava, 2008
  •  I. Kuzmanović, R. Scitovski, Jedna metoda procjene parametara u smislu minimizacije sume $L_p$ ortogonalnih udaljenosti, PrimMath[2003], Zagreb


Seminars and talks

  • I. Kuzmanović, Structured Sylvester and $T$-Sylvester equations, Mathematical Colloquium, Osijek, 16.1.2014
  • I. Kuzmanović, Optimization of the solution of the parameter-dependent Sylvester equation, Optimization and Applications Seminar, Osijek, 29.6.2011.
  • I. Kuzmanović, Parameter-dependent Sylvester equation and applications, Optimization and Applications Seminar, Osijek, 8.6.2011.
  • I. Kuzmanović, Subgradient methods for minimization of nondifferentiable convex functions, Optimization and Applications Seminar, Osijek, 17.03.2010.
  • I. Kuzmanović, \textit{Functions floor and ceiling}, Winter math school, Osijek 2008.
  • I. Kuzmanović, Normal block matrices, Seminar for numerical mathematics, Zagreb, 13.3.2008.
  • I. Kuzmanović, Locations of lines in normed spaces, Optimization and Applications Seminar, Osijek, 07.3.2008.
  • I. Kuzmanović, Linear $l_\infty$ approximation, Optimization and Applications Seminar, Osijek, 09.1.2008.
  • I. Kuzmanović, Cantor normal form, Seminar for Logic and Foundations of Mathematics , Zagreb, 22.5.2007.


Participation in summer schools and workshops:

  • Workshop on Model Reduction Methods and Optimization, 20-21 September 2016, Opatija, Croatia
  • The third International School on Model Reduction for Dynamical Control Systems, 5 – 10 October 2015, Dubrovnik, Croatia
  • DAAD International School on Linear Optimal Control of Dynamic Systems, 23 – 28 September 2013, Osijek, Croatia
  • Summer School on Numerical Linear Algebra for Dynamical and High-Dimensional Problems, October 10-15, 2011, Trogir, Croatia
  • DAAD Summer School on Sparse Eigenvalue Problems, August 22-27, 2011, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina


Study Visits Abroad

  • 27.11.-3.12.2016. Max-Planck-Institut fur Dynamik komplexer technischer Systeme, Magdeburg


Organization of National and International Meetings:

  • 2008. 4th Croatian Mathematical Congress – Organizing Committee Member
  • 2020.  Computational Linguistics and Golden Formula of Croatian Language – Organizing Committee Chair
  • 2022.   Državni stručni skup  “Inovativna nastava matematike” – članica programskog odbora
  • 2024.   5. znanstveno- stručni skup “Inovativna nastava matematike” – predsjednica programskog odbora



  •  International Journal of Systems Science
  •  International Journal of Computer Mathematics


Professional Societiey Membership

  • EMS (European Mathematical Society)
  • MAA (Mathematical Association of America)

Professional Activities

Udruga matematičara Osijek, vice president 2021.-2025.




Računalno razmišljanje i programiranje 1

Računalno razmišljanje i programiranje 2

Matematički alati

Linearna optimizacija

Metodika nastave informatike 1

Metodika nastave informatike 2

Matematika 1, Odjel za kemiju

Konzultacije (Office Hours): ponedjeljkom (Monday) u 10.

Obranjeni diplomski i završni radovi: (past  thesis)

1. Marija Mecanović, Metoda sukcesivne nadrelaksacije  (SOR), diplomski rad u komentorstvu s Zoranom Tomljanovićem, 15.9.2017.

2. Jasna Okopni, Pozitivno definitne matrice, završni rad u komentorstvu s Marijom Miloložom Pandur, 20.9.2017.

3. Nikolina Stupjak, Prezentacije u Latex-u, završni rad, 29.9.2017.

4.  Marinela Pilj, Generalizirani svojstveni problem i definitni matrični parovi, završni rad u komentorstvu s Marijom Miloložom Pandur, 29.9.2017.

5. Marija Mecanović, Iterativne metode za rješavanje linearnih sustava, završni rad, 29.9.2017.

6. Lucija Tatarević, Posteri u Latex-u, završni rad, 28.9.2018.

7. Doris Aleksov, Dualni prostori, završni rad, 28.9.2018.

8. Ana Mrkojević, Schurova dekompozicija matrice, završni rad, 30.9.2019.

9. Ivana Vuletić, Algebarska, analitička i geometrijska svojstva vektorskih normi, završni rad, 30.9.2019.

10. Maja Kovačević, Sylvesterova i Ljapunovljeva matrična jednadžba, završni rad, 29.9.2020.

11. Lea Mađarić, Geršgorinovi krugovi, završni rad, 23.10.2020.

12. Tonka Antić, Kreiranje grafičkih elemenata u LaTeX-u koristeći paket TikZ, završni rad, 15.09.2021.

13. Dunja Majdenić, Spektar i pseudospektar matrice, završni rad, 06.10.2021.

14. Marko Jedlička, Kanonski oblik krivulje drugoga reda, završni rad, 7.9.2023.

15. Petra Grbeš, Krylovljevi potprostori i primjene,  završni rad, 26.4.2024.

16. Katarina Pažur, Upotreba interaktivnih digitalnih alata u diferencijalnom računu, 20.9.2024.

17. Marija Šeremet, Kriteriji konvergencije redova realnih brojeva, 20.9.2024.


Teme diplomskih i završnih radova u akademskoj godini 2024./25. (available thesis topics):

Sljedeće teme su slobodne za diplomske i završne radove. Mole se zainteresirani studenti da se jave radi detaljnijih informacija.


  1. Vizualizacija u geometriji uz pomoć programskog paketa Mathematica
  2.  Animacije u programskom paketu Mathematica
  3. Upotreba interaktivnih digitalnih alata u integralnom računu
  4. UI alati u matematici
  5. Po dogovoru



  1. Matrične jednadžbe (pregled osnovnih oblika jednadžbi kod kojih je nepoznanica matrica, pregled standardnih metoda za njihovo rješavanje, implementacija osnovnih metoda u Matlabu)
  2. Generalizirane svojstvene vrijednosti   (osnovne definicije i svojstva generaliziranih svojstvenih vrijednosti, QZ metoda za računanje generaliziranih svojstvenih vrijednosti, implementacija u Matlabu)
  3. Tenzori  (definicija i osnovni pojmovi vezani za tenzore (generalizirane matrice), pregled svojstava)
  4. Odabrani problemi linearne optimizacije (Tena Pavlić)
  5. Linearna algebra u strojnom učenju
  6. Ekipna matematička natjecanja u Hrvatskoj i u svijetu
  7. UI alati u nastavi matematike
  8. UI alati u nastavi informatike


Konzultacije (Office Hours): ponedjeljkom u 9h